I was homeless living in a car. I began to save every cent until i bought the very first house. Well it wasn't really a house even it was an old disused butcher shop that was unlivable.. gutted. There wasn't even a shower, kitchen. It was just an empty 100 square building with cold brick walls and one toilet. I continued living in the car to sleep and eventually bought property number two. A proper REAL house. Oh what a feeling! Then now a third house that can have five new townhouse built on it.
I'm a common aussie battler starting from a position of homelessness and not a cent to my name, no assets and no nothing. Just a determination that "i" am going to change my life. There is no tips or tricks to how I've got started. I wasn't handed a golden spoon or a big payout or inherited lots of money. I came from a lower income then most in this great country of Australia.
I believe we have got it so good in Australia you can have any life you chose and even on a poor income we've got it pretty good. It amazes me that people can complain.
Before i started investing i was making software for property investors to analysis renovations, common property purchases and developments. These are used widely as there are very comprehensive. I use the same calculators myself for every purchase i make. They calculator the positive cashflow and all the costs right down to the last cent. there great, quick and simple to use. No hard language to understand.
I also pioneered a youtube channel when youtube was the new big thing and people we're unsure what exactly it was. Since 2006 there has been videos submitted from property investors and commentators across Australia and many interesting videos wot watch.
With all this property software and video as well as my need to create a journal blog of my goals and things i created the official web site at www.forpropertyinvestors.com so now in 2010 go their to check it all out. It's a 100% free web site and genuinely is "For Property Investors".
See ya!
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